It’s Not A Walk In The Park…But It’s Not Nightmare On Elm Street Either (Post #13)
“Be still, and know that I am GOD.” ~ Psalm 46:10 I have a quiet week this week…no appointments. My...
“Be still, and know that I am GOD.” ~ Psalm 46:10 I have a quiet week this week…no appointments. My...
“Anyone who is sick should call upon the church’s elders. They should pray for & pour oil on the person...
The day came for me to have my CT Scan done. This scan would be of my stomach and abdomen...
I started my day today, July 9, 2018, as I always do…reading my devotional and spending time in prayer. The...
“Even the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So do not be afraid; you are more valuable to...
My daily devotional readings this week have been so inspiring and uplifting. I am praying for Joy. – I want...
July 4th…it’s a very quiet holiday around here this year, and the weather is about as gloomy as I feel....
July 3, 2019 – My devotional reading today talked about making a plan & focusing on that plan – the...
July 2, 2018 – the day finally came; I was meeting my surgeon, Dr. H. today to get the results...
During the week between my mammogram results and my appointment with Dr. H, I received two more devastating phone calls...
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