It’s Not A Walk In The Park…But It’s Not Nightmare On Elm Street Either (Post #13)
“Be still, and know that I am GOD.” ~ Psalm 46:10 I have a quiet week this week…no appointments. My...
“Be still, and know that I am GOD.” ~ Psalm 46:10 I have a quiet week this week…no appointments. My...
“Anyone who is sick should call upon the church’s elders. They should pray for & pour oil on the person...
The day came for me to have my CT Scan done. This scan would be of my stomach and abdomen...
“Even the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So do not be afraid; you are more valuable to...
My daily devotional readings this week have been so inspiring and uplifting. I am praying for Joy. – I want...
July 4th…it’s a very quiet holiday around here this year, and the weather is about as gloomy as I feel....
July 3, 2019 – My devotional reading today talked about making a plan & focusing on that plan – the...
July 2, 2018 – the day finally came; I was meeting my surgeon, Dr. H. today to get the results...
During the week between my mammogram results and my appointment with Dr. H, I received two more devastating phone calls...
The enemy attacked me when I did not expect it, but YOU LORD, upheld me. ~ Psalm 18:18 When Philip...
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